In the last few days I have seen multiple posts on different forums and social networks from mommas asking how they can improve or increase their milk supply. I am one of those moms who have reached out and asked that very question before. I have come to a point with all of my babies, even Webb only being 4 months old where I have noticed a depletion in my milk. I wanted to post an article from one of my favorite websites. Kelly Mom. If you have not checked out this site I totally recommend it. Kellymom offers so much information that benefits everyone. There is, Parenting, Breastfeeding, Health, Pregnancy, and more. What I love so much about this site is that it really helped me realize the facts about “low milk supply” If you have any questions or know someone who may be wondering about their milk supply or trying to save it check out this article. 🙂 AlSO if you are in need of some lactation support please feel free to e mail me I would be happy to help you find an IBCLC in your area!