Tag Archives: utdoula

50 random facts about Meagan Heaton

50 random things about me???? At first I was thinking why would someone wanna hear 50 random things about me. But I thought it would be something fun. I was to make a video for you listing a full 50 random facts about me. This was my first video and it ended up being a […]

5 common doula myths you may hear

  When I tell people I’m a doula I get a lot of responses like oh my gosh you deliver babies, or do you take over the dads job during labor? I think there are a lot of myths about doulas. Here are a few of the most common myths. As your Doula my goal […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are. Joyce Giraud Read more at: Here

Birth of Gabrielle Elaine Robinson

Un-medicated VBAC! After two weeks of prodromal labor, two false-alarm visits to Labor & Delivery, and an external cephalic version to turn baby girl head down since she was breech, my birth time had finally arrived at 36 weeks 5 days. You would think after going into labor on my own two times before that […]

How you can increase low milk supply

In the last few days I have seen multiple posts on different forums and social networks from mommas asking how they can improve or increase their milk supply. I am one of those moms who have reached out and asked that very question before. I have come to a point with all of my babies, […]