Reflecting Back on my VBA2C!

Labor had been going for over 24 hours and I decided to go on a walk. The birds were chirping and the sun was just coming up. There was a calm presence to the neighborhood. Contractions had been lasting about 1 min long and were about 4-5 minutes apart and had been like that for hours. It was after that walk 6am sharp when things changed. I suddenly had a LOT of pressure and contractions were a solid 3 minutes apart lasting up to a minute and a half long. We called the midwife and agreed to meet at the birth center at 9am. It was that day i discovered a strength that I didn’t know that I had, learned to let go of fear and trust my body, and had my precious baby boy Vaginally after 2 cesarian sections. I was surrounded by an incredible birth team and will forever be grateful for them. I have spent all week reflecting back on the events that week. What a special time. Happy birthday to my baby  boy. My labor and VBA2C story


If you would like to read the full story visit the blog post HERE or my Facebook