Fresh Living – What is a doula??

Utah doula Meagan Heaton with Good Things Utah Kari DiazFresh Living Recently asked me to come on and explain more on doulas. When people ask me what I do and I reply with “I’m a Doula” I often get odd looks like WHAT? What is a doula? When I reply I’m someone that joins a couple and provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support people often will reply OH! So you’re a midwife. Although Midwives and doulas share a passion for pregnancy, moms, birth, babies, and postpartum care we are very different. I also have people comment saying so you probably only do home births then huh. That is one of the biggest misconceptions of a doula. Doula’s support birthing places. Home, Hospital, and Birth Centers. I have many clients who want to go unmedicated but there is also a good amount of women who really have no desire to go natural. They look forward to getting the epidural but want a doula there for the support. Even with an epidural there are a lot of things that I can do as a doula to help with the laboring process. Changing positions is something that is really helpful in labor and helping with progression. Along with the positions I can help provide education to help mom and birthing partner(s) to feel comfortable. Something else people are not aware of is I can also offer C-section support. Having had multiple c-sections myself I feel like I can personally relate to my c section mommas. I love when I am able to help educate a family on the process and even join them in the OR and help them feel comfortable when the day comes.

It was so much fun to be on Fresh Living with Kari Diaz and her co Host Nicola last week talking about what a doula is and how a doula can benefit you. Click HERE to see more on the Fresh Living Segment and what a doula is. Always feel free to message me with any questions.Good Things Utah invites Meagan heaton Salt Lake City doula to explain more about doulas