
The birth of Krew Anderson

Sometimes birth can be unexpected and babies can have their own idea of when they want to come. That sometimes is early and sometimes late. In this case baby Krew wanted to come early and he worked really hard to do so. Momma was able to keep him in until 37 weeks and he came […]

Birth of Gabrielle Elaine Robinson

Un-medicated VBAC! After two weeks of prodromal labor, two false-alarm visits to Labor & Delivery, and an external cephalic version to turn baby girl head down since she was breech, my birth time had finally arrived at 36 weeks 5 days. You would think after going into labor on my own two times before that […]

How you can increase low milk supply

In the last few days I have seen multiple posts on different forums and social networks from mommas asking how they can improve or increase their milk supply. I am one of those moms who have reached out and asked that very question before. I have come to a point with all of my babies, […]

Erika Halligan’s Birth

It was the morning of August 1oth that Erika and Mason knew their world was about to change for the better. Erika was 43 weeks pregnant and was ready to meet her baby boy. The air was warm and the sun was just coming up as I pulled up to their house that morning. We […]

Rachael MaWhiney’s Birth story…..

First up is a birth I hold special to my heart. This momma was amazing. Her birth was beautiful and her words make you really feel like you were there. I am so happy I got to be her doula. She will be a life long friend.   A month ago our sweet baby was […]


For the month of November I will be posting a couple birth stories a week. Birth is something I am so grateful for and I love being able to read birth stories, watch videos, or see inspiring pictures. While I was pregnant with my baby boy prepping for my “dream birth” reading stories and watching […]

my VBA2C Story

“In 2011 I delivered our first baby girl via Cesarean. After 12 hours of labor and getting to 3 cm dilated, I was told that I needed to go to the OR for “Failure to progress.” I was really sad but trusted in my provider that a cesarean was needed. We became pregnant again in […]

Mark your calendars.

I am so excited to be offering another “Meet the Doula” night over at the Midvale Babies R’ US. These classes are free of charge and welcome to anyone pregnant, looking to become pregnant or maybe just wanting to learn more about doulas. I would like to invite anyone and everyone interested in attending Monday October […]

All about Baby/Toddler Expo Sandy Utah

We are so excited to be apart of the All about baby/toddler expo this Saturday in Sandy Utah. This will be ART OF LABOR’S  first expo as and we have a lot of fun and exciting things happening. Stop by and enter for the “ALL ABOUT MOMMY” gift basket that includes MANY wonderful things for mom […]