Author Archives: doulaMeagan14

Utah VBAC Link- Tiny Blessings Partners up

I am super excited to announce that I will be teaming up with the wonderful Julie Francom in a company called Utah VBAC Link. Together we are trained doulas who can’t wait to help couples during their VBAC journey’s and educate on Cesarean prevention. We will be providing evidence based information and helping couples have […]

Cesarian Section Breech baby

This pregnancy was a high-risk pregnancy due to my Type 1 Diabetes.  This time around I didn’t have as tight of control because I was now not only taking care of myself, but a toddler.  It was hard to focus on me when my toddler wanted me to always focus on him. We were with […]

Meagan Heaton Doula in Salt Lake

When I decided to become a doula I knew I wanted to help couples. The nurse that was also a doula when I was TOLAC(ing) with my second baby truly did wonders. She wasn’t able to spend the entire time with me but when she would come into the room and apply counter pressure and […]

Leg Burner Pregnancy/Postpartum workout.

Hello Hello! Who is ready for a Leg Burner? It has been a little bit since I posted a video. I just finished filming a Leg Burner pregnancy/postpartum workout and am excited to share it with you today. One of the areas that seem to lose tone and gain more weight during pregnancy seems to […]

Fresh Living – What is a doula??

Fresh Living Recently asked me to come on and explain more on doulas. When people ask me what I do and I reply with “I’m a Doula” I often get odd looks like WHAT? What is a doula? When I reply I’m someone that joins a couple and provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support people […]

How my love for fitness started

Fitness during pregnancy can be a little daunting. I know it was for me. Learn more about how I found my love for fitness through my pregnancy. Growing up I found a love for dance. I danced on a National dance team and loved every minute of it. Other that dance I never really did […]

Reflecting Back on my VBA2C!

Labor had been going for over 24 hours and I decided to go on a walk. The birds were chirping and the sun was just coming up. There was a calm presence to the neighborhood. Contractions had been lasting about 1 min long and were about 4-5 minutes apart and had been like that for […]

A post from my husband!

Today I wanted to share with you a sweet post that my husband recently posted on my facebook page. I walked out of a prenatal visit and was notified that he had tagged me in a post. I figured it was something about our kids or something. To my surprise it was a long post that […]